Friday, January 29, 2016

Do Over February

Children of the Most High God, what's crackalacking????? Happy New Year, guys. Yes. This is my own new year. It is when you wake up that it is morning. So...yeah...happy new year. I can't believe January is almost over. Took you long enough, freaking January!!!!! Is it me, or was this the longest month ever? It felt like it was 2 months joined together! I just tire.

I wasn't a fan of this particular January...through no fault of January's, mind you.  I think what it was for me, was that I had a pretty depressing start in the month. No...nothing drastic happened but I just was not happy. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to see a new year. I was happy to have all my family alive and well. I was happy to have all my teeth (the ones the dentist didn't get to in the early days of ijekuje) fingers and toes and be in good health. I was happy to have love all around me. I was happy to be alive. But...then again, I just wasn't happy with where I was in life and was pretty frustrated that another year had come and still so many lofty goals/dreams/desires yet to be fulfilled/achieved. I came to all sorts of realisations about all manner of things: my relationship status and how I perceived it to affect my parents, my time and time management, my dreams, my goals, my career prospects, friendships, finance, prayer life, all sorts. They weren't pretty and they made me deeply unhappy.

Ms Erykah Badu once said "work ain't honest, but it pays the bills".  I started work today, after my annual leave (most of which I spent in Lagos with my family, pretty much hibernating) Asides from being back to work to earn bread, I have come to really appreciate the social aspect of my job. I have realised that I've become such a hermit that I won't go in my way, talkless of out of my way to socialise any more these days. I am truly grateful for my work friends that have become sisters, who are always available for laughs, prayers, gists, encouragement, whatever. I couldn't be more grateful,to be back at work (but see me in a couple of weeks...I may be singing a different tune or whatever) 

I came upon an instagram post put up by one of my favourite instagram comedians (@notkarltonbanks) where he talked about deciding that his 2016 was going to start again in February and how January was a trial run. It was funnyish but it resonated with me. I didn't make the most of my January, what with me being all up in my feelings and what not, so it feels like a dry run of a month. I have decided that February would be a do over. I'm hoping to stop and smell the roses a little bit more and not put so much pressure on myself without being too complacent (a tall order). I'm also hoping to burst out of my cocoon like a newly minted butterfly in the month of February and do a lot more of the things I've always talked about - so help me God!

I have started planning out some of my posts and I hope to keep up with my mandate at the inception of this blog: to post every week (well, that mandate has been tweaked somewhat. I posted every Monday and some days in between in the early days, but still...we move!) and just connect more with you guys. I thank you all for always being there even when I abscond like a rascal.

So...I am initiating the reset sequence,  hitting the big red button and wiping the slate clean. 2016 for me, starts in 3...2....1....




  1. So I'm guessing vlogging is now on your to-do list ma

  2. And i'm guessing meeting my plenty application deadlines is on there too :p Good to have you back January or No :*

    1. We have met in camera over this matter (packs dirty laundry from the wire) lol. Thank you.It is good to be back

  3. Wellllllllccccccooooommmmmeeeee back! Let's do this again

    1. Thanks hun. We are rocking out 2016...blogger style

  4. Welcome back dear...Personally from the !st of January, i decided i was going to have a fabulous and amazing 2016 no matter what. And so far it has been amazeballs. Not all my expectations have been met but God is working on my behalf and i'm sure his working on yours to sooooooooooooooo let's do this baby...leggoo 2016 yayy

    1. Amen! It is such an amazing mindset to have. I have also adopted it. Nobody said trusting God was easy...what they've said is, it's necessary. So yeah....leggo 2016!

  5. I can relate with your January. Mine started with a bang, emotional issues then came in and the month continued in a blur... then there was semi depression and then revival and peace and victory... was the longest month ever. The way I see it, the month was waiting for me to 'round-up' and finish with my issues before it finished.

    Thank God it was a wrap!

    1. Thank God for His mercies that endure forever. I' glad you are much better now. January was too long but that God for perspective. Thanks for commenting dear

  6. I like this mindset. Our New Year starts when we wake up. We can always pick up and start anytime.

    If only they stayed this way forever

    1. Yes ma'am. Thank God for being the giver of many chances. There's been a lot of false starts, I tell you. But it is always good to pick up and do it all over again


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